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Most Common Continuous Method Used Rotary

  • Journal List
  • Int J Clin Pediatr Dent
  • v.12(4); Jul-Aug 2019
  • PMC6898866

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2019 Jul-Aug; 12(4): 340–346.

Comparison between the Effectiveness of Rotary and Manual Instrumentation in Primary Teeth: A Systematic Review

Veerale Panchal

1–3Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Ganesh Jeevanandan

1–3Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Subramanian MG Erulappan

1–3Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India



To develop a scientifically current and evidence based protocol on the efficacy of rotary and hand root canal instrumentation in primary teeth.

Materials and methods

Previous randomized control trials were used for the current review. Hand search and online search engines of PUBMED and Google Scholar were used to search English language articles with human subjects published up to December 2016.


After screening of the abstracts and articles, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria a total of 13 articles were included in the systematic review.


Rotary instrumentation shows equivalent cleaning efficiency than hand files depending on the system of instrumentation and techniques used. However, use of rotary in primary teeth leads to improved shaping of canals providing better quality of treatment in less time.

How to cite this article

Panchal V, Jeevanandan G, et al. Comparison between the Effectiveness of Rotary and Manual Instrumentation in Primary Teeth: A Systematic Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2019;12(4):340–346.

Keywords: Cleaning efficiency, Debris, K-files, Rotary files, Smear layer


Dentistry has faced numerous improvements in earlier years. In the field of pulp therapy, there has been improvement not only with the materials used but also with the techniques used for instrumentation. Improvement in technique results in better quality of work with reduction in time. The introduction of rotary instrumentation started with NiTi systems introduced as early as 1960 by Buelher;1 which at that time became popular for orthodontic wires and dental burs. K-type root canal files were made and tested extensively by Serene et al.2 and the first NiTi rotary appeared on the market around 1993. These early rotary files introduced did not have cutting edges but rather had broad radial lands. Those files retained the 16 mm long cutting blade but had a greater taper than typical 0.02 for K files.3 A newer form of the rotary system was introduced as the modification of the traditional rotary system.

Barr et al. was the first to use rotary NiTi files for primary root canal preparation.4 They reported that use of NiTi files for root canal preparation in primary teeth was cost-effective, faster, and resulted in uniform and predictable fillings. Investigators have evaluated various root canal systems and compared the efficacy of instrumentation between the hand and rotary files. A comparative evaluation of time taken for the pulp therapy procedure has been published. Each study has its own unique method of evaluation of the effectiveness of the root canal system, thus giving a literature of various methods available.5–7

The aim of this study is to systematically and qualitatively review and evaluate the effectiveness of instrumentation between hand and rotary files in primary teeth.


This systematic review was approved by the ethics approval committee of Saveetha University with reference number (STP/SDMDS16PED3).

Search Strategy and Study Selection

The research question formulated was according to PICO (Table 1) which says "In primary teeth pulpectomy procedures (P), there is a difference using rotary instrumentation (I) compared to hand filing instrumentation (C) in terms of cleaning efficiency of the canals (O)".

Table 1

Research question in PICO format

Participants Primary teeth
Intervention Rotary instrumentation
Comparison Hand instrumentation
Outcome Cleaning efficiency

A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify the available literature up to December 2016 using the PubMed/MEDLINE database. The reference list of reviews and selected studies was also hand searched to retrieve all the papers which might be omitted during the database search. The search strategy was performed as follows:

Rotary or Mechanical instrumentation or ProTaper or Mtwo or k3 or Heroshapers and hand instrumentation or K files and pulpectomy and pulp therapy.

Initially the title and abstracts of the relevant studies were identified and assessed by two reviewers independently. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are as follows:

Inclusion Criteria

  • All the studies comparing hand and rotary files.

  • Studies on primary teeth published in PubMed indexed journals.

  • Studies published in English language from January 2004 to December 2016.

Exclusion Criteria

  • Studies which compare permanent dentition.

  • Studies which do not mention the effectiveness of cleaning efficacy and time taken.

Data Collection

The required information of the eligible studies was collected by one reviewer. However, the other reviewer cross checked all the retrieved information. For each study the following data was systematically recorded: publication details, sample size, number of samples according to instrumentation technique used, methodology used for comparison and comparative analysis.

Assessment of Risk of Bias

The assessment of the risk of bias-based on in vitro studies was conducted based on an analysis previously recorded by Sivakumar et al.8 This analysis was modified for the present systematic review.

The checklist includes the scoring based on tooth selection, number of sites assessed, study setting, number of observers, test reliability report, validation method, validation criteria and validation reliability (Table 2). The total score calculated ranged from 0–20 which was rescaled from 0–1009 as percentage by multiplying assigned points by 5. All the studies having the score above 55 were regarded as very high quality and have low risk of bias, score below 55 was considered having average risk of bias, whereas those having scores below 45 as considered as having high risk of bias.9

Table 2

Scoring criteria for assessing the risk of bias of included studies

Elements of internal validity Points Criteria
Tooth selection 3 Both posterior and anterior teeth
2 Only anterior or only posterior teeth
1 Selected posterior or anterior teeth
0 Single tooth type
Number of sites assessed 3 150 or more
2 75–149
1 40–74
0 <40
Study setting 2 In vivo
0 In vitro
Number of observers 2 4 or more
1 2–3
0 1
Test reliability report 2 Inter- and intraevaluator reliability reported
1 Either intra- or intraevaluator reliability reported
0 No evaluator reliability reported
Validation method 2 Light microscopy (stereo/mono) with/without dye of sectioned tooth
1 Other visual or radiographic assessment of sectioned tooth
0 Assessment of unsectioned tooth
Validation criteria 1 Criteria explicitly stated
0 Criteria not explicitly stated
Validation reliability 1 Intra- and interevaluator reliability reported
0 No reliability reported


Study Selection

A systematic search (Flowchart 1) identified a total of 21 studies included from the PubMed search. A total of 17 studies were selected based on the screening of abstracts and titles. Finally 13 studies were included in the review, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The major factor for the exclusion of the study was if the permanent dentition was a parameter individually as well as in combination with primary dentition. Studies evaluating the cleaning efficiency were only included.

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Study Characteristics

Main characteristics of the database for the in vitro studies are discussed in Table 3. The most common method for the evaluation of cleaning efficiency was checking the removal of ink from the middle third, cervical third and apical third of canals. Other methods used to evaluate the cleaning efficiency are the smear layer removal, pre and post images taken with stereomicroscope, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and spiral computed tomography.

Table 3

Overview of the included studies

S. no. Name of author, year of publication Sample size Number of samples according to the instrumentation technique used Methodology used for comparison Comparative analysis data
1 Silva et al., 2004 33 mesial and distal roots K-file-13 Removal of injected India Ink from the cervical, middle and apical third with stereoscopic magnifying glass Group I: score 1
Profile 04–13 Group II: score 1
Control-7 Control group: score 3
2 Kummer et al., 2007 80 primary teeth K-file-40 Pre- and post-images taken with Olympus DP 12 DIGITAL Camera attached to stereomicroscope revealing the amount dentin removal Manual
Hero 642 files-40     Ct: 0.19 ± 0.12
    Mt: 0.19 ± 0.07
    At: 0.22 ± 0.18
    Ct: 0.34 ± 0.29
    Mt: 0.13 ± 0.14
    At: 0.14 ± 0.09
3 Moghaddam et al., 2009 23 primary molars (68 canals) K-files-30 Removal of injected India Ink from the cervical, middle and apical third with stereoscopic microscope Manual
Rotary flex files-30     Ct: score 0
Control-8     Mt: score1
    At: score 1
    Ct: score 1
    Mt: score1
    At: score 1
Control group
    Score 3
4 Madan et al., 2011 75 primary molars root canals K-files-30 Removal of India ink from cervical, middle and apical third with magnifying glass Ct: group II > group I
Profiles-30 Mt: group II = groupI
Control-15 At: group I > group II
5 Pinheiro et al., 2012 15 primary molars K-file-5 Residual debris and smear layer removal was assessed and scored by SEM analysis. CFU and percentage of reduction of E. Fecalis was also measured. Score for debris
Hybrid instrumentation with ProTaper and K files-5     Mt: score 1 (83.33)
    Ht: score 2 (83.33)
ProTaper-5     Rt: score 2 (100)
Score for smear layer
    Mt: score 3 (83.33)
    Ht: score 2 (100)
    Rt: score 2 (66.66)
    MT: 96.90 ± 1.30
    HT: 99.58 ± 0.62
    RT: 98.68 ± 1.08
6 Azar et al., 2012 60 primary molars (160 primary molar root canal) K-files-20 Removal of injected India Ink from the cervical, middle and apical third with stereoscopic magnifying glass K-file
Protaper-20     Apical third: score 1
Mtwo rotary-20     Middle third: score 1
    Coronal third: score 0
    Apical third: score 0
    Middle third: score 0
    Coronal third: score 0
    Apical third: score 0
    Middle third: score 0
    Coronal third: score 0
7 Musale et al., 2014 60 primary molars K flies-15 CBCT and removal of injected India Ink from the cervical, middle and apical third with stereoscopic magnifying glass K file: 0.93 ± 0.66
ProFiles 0.04–15 ProFiles: 0.68 ± 0.50
ProTaper-15 ProTaper: 0.48 ± 0.38
Hero Shaper 0.04–15 Hero shaper: 0.58 ± 0.49
8 Katge et al., 2014 84 primary molars (120 root canals) K files-30 Ink removal with stereomicroscopic evaluation K file: 3.60 ± 1.99
ProTaper-30 Protaper: 3.13 ± 1.76
Wave One-30 Wave One: 2.53 ± 1.46
9 Fatemeh Ramezanali et al., 2015 100 primary molars K files-20 Removal of injected India Ink from the cervical, middle and apical third with stereoscopic magnifying glass CT: Mtwo (1.35 ± 1.04)
K flies + Mtwo rotary instruments-20 MT: Mtwo (1.15 ± 0.93)
Saline-20 AT: Mtwo (0.80 ± 0.69)
Positive control-20
Negative control-20
10 Poornima et al., 2016 20 primary teeth K files-10 Spiral computed analysis before and after instrumentation Pre instrumentation
Mtwo-10     K files: 0.0172 ± 0.006
    Mtwo: 0.0180 ± 0.003
Post instrumentation
    K files: 0.0247 ± 0.007
    Mtwo: 0.0355 ± 0.008
11 Selvakumar et al., 2016 75 primary teeth K files-25 Light speed plus CT scanner before and after instrumentation K file: 0.13 ± 0.20 at AT
K3 rotary. 02–25 K3 0.02: 0.10 ± 0.12 at AT
K3 rotary. 04–25 K3 0.04: 0.31 ± 0.07 at AT
12 Ramazani et al., 2016 64 primary mandibular second molars K files-16 CBCT and removal of injected India Ink from the cervical, middle and apical third with stereoscopic magnifying glass Score 1 at AT
Mtwo-16     K files: 37.5%
Single Reciproc 0.08–16     Mtwo: 50%
Control-16     Reciproc: 62.5%
    K files: 31.2%
    Mtwo: 81.2%
    Reciproc: 75%
13 Subramaniam et al., 2016 30 primary maxillary incisors Group I: heroshapers Smear layer removal was examined in the coronal, middle and apical third using SEM under 1,000× magnification Apical third
    Group I: 3.60 ± 1.17
Group II: manual instrumentation with NiTI K files     Group II: 2.60 ± 0.70
    Group III: 3.30 ± 1.25
Group III: manual instrumentation with stainless steel K-files Middle third:
    Group I: 1.70 ± 0.67
    Group II: 2.20 ± 1.03
    Group III: 2.00 ± 0.82
Coronal third
    Group I: 1.20 ± 0.42
    Group II: 1.70 ± 0.82

Comparison was made between hand files and different system of rotary instruments. The various rotary instrumentation technique included are Mtwo, K3 ProTaper system, Hero Shapers, single RECIPROC, profiles and rotary flex files.

Outcome of the study was based on the evaluation of the method applied in the cervical middle and apical third for most of the studies.

Risk of Bias of the Studies

The details of the risk of bias assessment rating for the studies are given in Table 4. Out of the 13 studies included, 2 studies showed average risk of bias, whereas other 11 showed a high risk of bias. This high risk was basically due to the presence of one observer in the study and absence of inter observer reliability in the studies having two or more observer. Higher risk of bias was due to less sample size included in the study.

Table 4

Assessment of risk of bias

S. no. Name of author, year of publication Tooth selection Number of sites assessed Study setting Number of observers Test reliability reported Validation method Validation criteria Validation reliability Total score Risk of bias
  1 Silva et al., 2004 Only posterior teeth 33 In vitro 1 No evaluator reliability reported Stereomicroscopy with dye of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 25 High
  2 Kummer et al., 2007 Both anterior and posterior teeth 200 (80 teeth) In vitro 1 Intraevaluator reliability reported Visual assessment of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 45 Average
  3 Moghaddam et al., 2009 Only posterior teeth 68 (23 teeth) In vitro 2 Intraevaluator reliability reported Stereomicroscope with dye of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 40 High
  4 Madan et al., 2011 Only posterior teeth 75 (30 teeth) In vitro 1 No evaluator reliability reported Stereomicroscope with dye of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 30 High
  5 Pinheiro et al., 2012 Only posterior teeth 45 (15 teeth) In vitro 3 Inter- and intra-evaluator reliability reported SEM analysis without dye of sectioned tooth Criteria explained Inter- and intra-examiner reliability reported 45 Average
  6 Azar et al., 2012 Selected posterior teeth 160 (60 teeth) In vitro 1 No evaluator reliability reported Stereomicroscope with dye of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 35 High
  7 Musale et al., 2014 Selected posterior teeth 180 (60 teeth) In vitro 1 No evaluator reliability reported Stereomicroscope and radiographic evaluation with dye of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 40 High
  8 Katge et al., 2014 Only posterior teeth 120 (84 teeth) In vitro 1 Blinding of the evaluator reported Stereomicroscope with dye of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 40 High
  9 Fatemeh Ramezanali et al., 2015 Selected posterior teeth 300 (100 teeth) In vitro 3 Interexaminer reliability reported Stereomicroscope with dye of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 50 Average
10 Poornima et al., 2016 Only posterior teeth 60 (20 teeth) In vitro 1 No reliability reported Radiographic assessment of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 25 High
11 Selvakumar et al., 2016 Selected posterior teeth 225 (75 teeth) In vitro 1 No reliability reported Radiographic assessment of sectioned tooth Criteria explained Intraexaminer reliability reported 35 High
12 Ramazani et al., 2016 Selected posterior teeth 192 (64 teeth) In vitro 1 Intraoperator reliability reported Stereomicroscope and radiographic assessment with dye of sectioned tooth Criteria explained No reliability reported 40 High
13 Subramaniam et al., 2016 Selected anterior teeth 30 primary anterior In vitro 3 Intraoperator reliability reported SEM used to evaluate the smear layer removal Criteria explained Reliability reported 40 High


Several factors contribute to the clinical success of pulpectomy, such as biomechanical cleaning,10 type of restoration,11 number of visits10,11 and root canal filling material.12 Chemomechanical preparation of the root canal includes both mechanical instrumentation and canal irrigation, and it is principally directed toward the elimination of microorganisms from root canal system.13 Canal preparation is one of the most important phases of primary root canal treatment and is mainly aimed in the debridement of canal.14,15

In vitro studies are carried out to evaluate the efficacy of the root canal instrumentation in primary teeth with rotary and hand instrumentation. The most common method employed for the evaluation of the same was stereomicroscopic evaluation of the sectioned canals checking the removal of ink after the preparation.5,16–22 According to Silva et al. there was no significant difference between the cleaning efficiency of profiles 0.04 and manual instrumentation, however it showed significantly better results as compared with no instrumentation.16 This finding correlated with Moghaddam et al.17 that there was no significant difference in the cleaning efficiency of rotary and hand instruments. The rotary system used here is rotary flex files. The author however advocated that the canals were better cleaned in the cervical third with K files than rotary flex files.16 This result did not agree with Silva et al.16 According to Madan et al.5 cleaning efficiency was found similar in middle third for both K files and profiles. They advocated the use of step back technique in the preparation of primary teeth as it cuts less dentin as compared to crown down technique, which correlated with Silva et al.16 According to Ramezanali et al.,19 Mtwo system and K files showed same cleaning efficiency. This finding was contraindicated by the study by Ramazani et al.20 showing better efficiency of Mtwo in the cervical third as compared to K files. Reciprocating system and Mtwo system, however showed same cleaning efficiency in all the thirds. In accordance with this study, Katge et al.21 showed no significant difference in the apical third using Wave One and ProTaper, however Wave One showed better cleaning efficiency in middle thirds. According to Azar et al.,22 there was no significant difference in the cleaning efficiency between hand and rotary, however ProTaper showed better cleaning efficiency than Mtwo and hand instrumentation. A study by Mudale et al. promoted a modified sequence of instrumentation in primary teeth due to the anatomic variation leading to lateral perforation and unavailability of files designed for primary teeth.20 Early coronal enlargement with intro files like ProFile OS, ProTaper SX, and Hero Shaper Endo flare is done to facilitate straight line access by removing the shelf of dentin overlying the canal orifice.18 This study advocated better cleaning efficiency of rotary files than manual which is contradicting to studies by other authors.5,16,18,21

Radiographic evaluation is another method used in which the dentin removal is checked by the difference in the pre- and post-CBCT evaluation.7,18,23,24 Musale et al.18 showed better cleaning efficacy with ProTaper and hero shapers show higher mechanical preparation than hand K files. These findings were correlated with the study by Poornima et al.23 which measured the volumetric change in the root canal. In this study, Mtwo system showed higher mechanical preparation with increased volume as compared to hand K files. This study varied with Selvakumar et al.,7 which advocated K3. 06 system removing less dentin in the coronal third and more dentin in middle and cervical third as compared to hand K files. Kummer et al.24 proved, manual instrumentation removed more dentin as compared to rotary instrumentation in primary teeth. This study evaluated dentin removal by stereomicroscopic measurements obtained from the images of root canal pre and post the instrumentation. Other deciduous molar studies comparing manual files and rotary instrumentation found no significant difference in the amount of dentin removal.16,24

Apart from mechanical preparation elimination of microbes also play an important role in assessing the cleaning efficiency.19 Pinheiro et al. reveal no significant cleaning efficiency between manual and rotary instrumentation.25 This study used a hybrid system of root canal instrumentation which combined the use of stainless steel and NiTi files, showing a greater amount of reduction in the E. fecalis levels. However, no significant difference was found in the removal of debris and smear layer, which is inconsistent with other studies.26,27

The latest method employed for the evaluation of the cleaning efficiency of root canal instrumentation is micro-CT. However, no studies have been done using the same.28


Further studies need to be done using high sample size to evaluate the comparative efficiency of rotary and manual instrumentation. A definitive conclusion cannot be drawn from the available literature however, the choice of treatment protocol can be made based on the clinical requirements.


Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: None


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Articles from International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry are provided here courtesy of Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing (P) Ltd.


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